The story of Pleasure Island

When Jessica and D met they combined her massage background and western Sexological Bodywork education and his East African sexual practices to create 'Ebony and Ivory' sensual massage experiences for people wanting to experience 4 handed massage, couple massage sessions or learn how to give an erotic massage. Many of their clients wanted to explore sensual touch with other likeminded people so they decided to create a safe group environment where sensual touch and sexual exploration was celebrated!


International Islanders!

Since then Pleasure Island has been hopping internationally from lofty penthouse apartments in New York, Tokyo and Barcelona to the depths of the jungle near the Congo border of the Rwenzori Mountains, from secret basements in Budapest, to rooftop clubs in Sydney and private villas in southern France, wine vaults in Paris.... Now, hosts Jessica and D bring their Pleasure Island to you in the heart of your city...


Jessica Parker is a highly qualified and experienced massage therapist, erotic bodyworker and somatic sexual educator. Combined with an event management background her passion is to guide people to experience their full pleasure potential within beautiful sensory spaces.


D originates from the heart of East Africa and was taught ancient sexual practices as a young man that have been passed on through many generations. He has vast experience of supporting and teaching people who are interested in learning of these practices, in particular the art of female ejaculation (aKachabali).


Both are well traveled and delight in sharing their Pleasure Island experiences wherever the tropical winds take them If you're interested in private sensual massage sessions and tuition with 'Ebony & Ivory' please visit their website here.

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